Marvin J. Pinter, January 24, 1929 - November 9, 1994

Our Managing Partner Jessica Ollenburg’s father leaves “big shoes” legacy which she and her companies aspire to honor each and every day. An award-winning entrepreneur, influencer, turnaround executive, inventor, community leader, athlete, advocate and entertainer, Marvin Pinter’s impact is lasting. Jessica’s been learning since early childhood. “My Dad was one of the good ones! It’s both an honor and a responsibility to put forth my very best every day in his honor and legacy,” avows Jessica. “He’s shown me the difference and momentum one person can create.” Pinter is pictured below during his U.S. Army military service.


A Business Leader and Inventor

A 40+ year manufacturing leader and corporate innovator, Mr. Pinter earned early recognition for his genius accomplishments in effective manufacturing leadership and transformation. Augmenting business results through “outside the box” thinking and employee involvement pioneering, Pinter catapulted his last employer from seemingly insurmountable debt to #1 nationwide in its industry by the time he retired as President. Nominated for Ernst & Young’s Entrepreneur of the Year 1994, Marv’s recognition was regularly international. He reigned as IAQC President, founded the Quality Circle Association and Chaired with Wisconsin IAQC conference. President of the Industrial Managers’ Association, he also served as State Capitol Representative for the IBAW Small Business Council and related IBAW committees. Fiscally conservative and socially liberal, he postured that we can only protect civil liberties and those in need if we protect our financial resources to do so.

As the midwest’s first Quality Circles certified facilitator and facilitator trainer, he is credited for delivering employee involvement playbooks to the midwest U.S., and he served on a short list of early U.S. pioneers to do so, soon co-founding HRS as a more dedicated vehicle for his effort. Marv’s technology and manufacturing inventions are well-documented and continue to deliver widespread impact today. He is recognized by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office for multiple inventions including designing the concept and assembling the programming team in 1983 for the now internationally distributed timepunch - payroll - labor distribution automated interface software. Jessica collaborated by assembling the beta site for proof of concept and tactical rollout/modification until seamless and flawless.

A Community Leader with Heart of Gold

A teacher, author, poet, piano player, singer, athlete, philanthropist and “regular guy,” he accomplished by rolling up his sleeves and relentlessly pushing though hard work until best outcomes were realized. He regularly advocated for stricter enforcements against injustice, especially concerned with child welfare and sexual harassment, and he was regularly in the media spotlight.

Marv was the driving force behind the 1992 West Milwaukee High School Super Farewell Prom, an extraordinary success yielding worldwide travel in for the event by 50+ years of alumni. He reigned for multiple terms as President of Greendale Village Club, bringing to fruition the club’s first enclosed clubhouse, fighting dissention along the way. He chaired the Muskego Lakes Country Club Men’s Club, chaired social events and regularly earned athletic recognition, including his spot among the first Muskego Lakes Men’s Class A Golf Championship winners.

Marv took care of an extended family and revealed the world through his lens of endless possibility. While planning a trip to Monaco in the 1970s, he inspired all with his personal letter to Princess Grace (whom he had never met), announcing his family’s approaching arrival. His charm and approach earned a wax-sealed note from Princess Grace plus palace chaffeur to greet the family of Marv and Jessica with personal palace tour, including family’s private quarters.

Averse to the words “it can’t be done,” Mr. Pinter showed it regularly can be done! We learn from his example daily!