Receiving an exhilarating response of interest, we swiftly assembled our founding group in 2021… a cohesive mastermind level group offering advanced and complex topics, where each member is also a subject matter expert (SME) within relatable disciplines. While we continue to work closely with our founding G10 group of business owners, we will soon announce our new initiative with G10’s sister company, mentumm. Stay tuned!
Partner/Chair: Jessica Ollenburg serves as Chair for our G10 and mentumm groups. Jessica brings 30+ years success designing, chairing, speaking and participating in executive roundtables for her own client companies as well as for TEC, Vistage, Scottsdale Chamber of Commerce and MMAC/COSBE. Jessica’s own subject matter expertise resides in Employment Law, Award-winning Bootstrap Entrepreneurism with 300+% scaling per year… and Behavioral Science (the why, what, predictability and manageability of human behavior.) Jessica’s dedication to success is unbeaten!
Logistics & Fees: We structure to make the most of everyone’s precious time, and each group offers a unique blend of individualized and group up-learning. Membership fees are determined by your group choice and billed by G10. Included with your membership and outside of group meetings are monthly one-on-one consultation with Practice Leader Jessica Ollenburg. Additionally, G10 deliverables include live virtual events, on-demand recordings, ever-emerging content from SMEs, podcasts, access to our entrepreneurial peer community, opportunities to showcase your talents and business, and more via membership dashboard with login access.
While in Preview Mode, you are a guest of Ollenburg LLC and, and fees are waived. Following Preview, membership fees will be invoiced by G10 according to member-selected package. Unlike other platforms, there are no long-term commitments nor inaugural fees. Confidentiality and IP agreements are executed with membership election. Confidentiality is always expected, including during the preview period.
Format: We’ll be diving deep to process member-requested topics every meeting, while exploring toolsets such as entrepreneurial lifelong learning, time management, leading leaders, scaling rapid growth, navigating change, exit planning, deBono’s Six Hats of Thinking, leadership language, problem solving methodology, Appreciative Inquiry, Think T.A.N.K., Situational Leadership, employment law, requested Ollenburg curriculum and member-driven topics. The 10 pillars of growth10 are Strategy, Marketing, Sales, Money, Operations, Talent, Leadership, You, Branding and Customers.
“Outside the Tank” and Weekly Webinars: Founders Joe Buzzello and Tom Healy join us in inviting you to G10’s weekly speaker webinars and the popular “Outside the Tank” webcast at This 5-star podcast follows entrepreneurs featured on Shark Tank after their launch and throughout their journeys. Tom & Joe interview these entrepreneurs to discover keys to success, greatest lessons, biggest regrets and what didn’t air on TV.
Practice Leader & Chair: Jessica Ollenburg
Co-Facilitator & Coordinator: John Ollenburg